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Hi. My name is Erin Lennon. I am a student at the University of Michigan, an assistant sports editor at the Michigan Daily, a proud native of New Jersey — the greatest state in the Union — and a writer. 


​The pieces you will find in here, this website as a whole, really, are rough cuts of some of the work I've done as an undergrad at the University. Some of my work is published, fully edited four times over, but more still is waiting patiently to be glanced at again. I figure if life is a series of drafts and revisions, they too will eventually be rewritten. 


Some of my work, well most of it, revolves around sports. In sports, I've found a way to combine two loves, to give my unwanted opinion on the beauty that was the buzzer beater or the penalty shot, to get to know the athletes behind the plays, to see the emotions that haunt sports fans and players once the clock runs out. Much of the rest of my work, then, asks myself why sports and why not something deeper. Is there something deeper than sports, really? Philanthropy and equality come to mind, but then there are sports to bring those two worlds together.


My sophomore-year journey has been one of great divide. I have decided that sports journalism, and journalism as a whole, is not my gig — I'd much rather be on the inside than poking my head through the window. I have been trying, then, to find my identity as a writer and a person that is separate from sports. This website, then, was supposed to be my attempt at separating myself from "Daily Sports Writer," but I find that there is no replacing that identity. This website, then, will be an investigative journalism piece, this time into myself. 


Journalism takes the bias away from the writer and leaves the opinions to the reader. As best I can, using my best investigative skills, I've tried to provide the facts about myself. The judgment is up to you. 




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